These images were based upon the life of Pricilla L Williams, and how she worked incredibly hard to raise 14 adopted children. I further more took inspiration from authentic field worker images i had sourced, and how they were dressed in denim and stripe. The illustrations within the images are folk song.
Built up images of tribal face paint...kind of like a step by step. Worked on top with all different styles of tribal hair.. using mixed media.... or anything interesting i could find!!
I came across some black and white images of Winson and Dovie Hudson, both wearing head to toe floral, living in a typrical older persons home. I instantly fell in love with my location, being my grandma's house but its kind of accentric and quirky.I followed that theme to the manipulation of the image, there was a lot of trial and error... but in the end i bleached the back out, re stained and then layered the image back with furnicture to create the backdrop.
Have you ever heard the story of Leontyne Price, the first black opera singer?. How she gained a 45 minute ovation. A real rags to riches story. I decided to use this as a starting point for my images, styling Holly in some really rich fabrics. And I worked on top of these images with bold and dramatic sketches and doodles, just like opera...
Originally I watched a programme on the dancer,Katherine Dunham and i was intrigued by her heritage and the vodun Religion. I wanted to portray a spiritual being and voodoo dolls. This was shot at a yellow grass quarry. Probably some of my favourite images
Looking at the 12th street riots in ditroit I created my own slogan T-shirts assciated with the riots, better housing, police, voting. I photographed molly in the studio, and i created my own backdrop of my interpritation of detroit, from layering derelict images I had taken. Took a lot of time to create them, as i didnt want two of the same backdrop.